Thursday, 10 March 2011

Despatch from the front # 3

Tuesday March 8th (Happy International Women’s Day to you all!!)

Driving through the Western District to Apollo Bay in a British racing green Jaguar sports car we did up to 180 k/hr on the straight-aways. We called out “Poop, poop” too just like Toad of Toad Hall in The Wind in the Willows. My brother loves sports cars, always has. He drove Triumphs before the Jags.

The Western district is home to some of the wealthy seats of many old Victorian families. On the roads were land rovers and the odd other Jag. Paddocks of sheep and Black Angus cattle stretched for miles around. It took us three hours to drive to Apollo Bay and the Great Ocean Road. After the sheep and cattle stations we entered the State Otway Ranges (low mountains-hills really because Australia is so old) Park. The forest here is a temperate rain forest. There was tall, tall timber with huge tree ferns underneath. There was practically no traffic as today is a Tuesday and we took the corners and cornices at a sports car pace. It was so much fun, only once did I say please can we slow down a bit and then it was when the ocean came into view and I wanted to look.

Here's me next to a tree fern. They can be huge and pre-historic looking. The other pic is of Tedward beside his car.

1 comment:

  1. 180 kph?! I'll take the Bart Simpson defence - I didn't do it, no-one saw anything, you can't prove a thing...
